I’ve added a vintage coffee pot found at a local junk store to my collection. But before it goes on the shelf it must be tried. So I’ve got my coffee and here are your blog sites for the week.
I usually go to this site twice a week. There are many artists to see and to be realistic, many to ignore. But you should go and look and decide for yourself. If nothing else it shows you what’s going on around you.
Besides the fact that you can read issues of The Woven Tale Press that you might have missed, (how could you!), it is a place to look at a ton of art in catalogs.
This is one of the big box magazines. Worth reading what they offer on line if you don’t have a subscription. Forgot to order mine this year.
That’s it for now but do come back next week. And remember;
Imagination is never still. The Marks we make are Verbs!