The Unboxed collage forms from Janice McDonald

It’s remarkable where inspiration comes from for artists. I’m not talking about the kind that suddenly gives you that direction in art that you know will be the door opener to New York, or where ever. No, this is about the bump you get from looking at someone’s art. It’s about feeling like that would be something you’d like to try and maybe add to the reference points you keep in your head when creating your art.
The collage art of Janice McDonald’s hit me that way.
As a collage artist she was completely aware of edges and how they fit into her work. But then she started looking at the support of the work and its edges. She felt she could push the boundaries of collages past the hard edges and onto a support that was more random. As Janice puts it in her blog
It all started with boxes…
An avid recycler, I find myself carefully deconstructing and flattening the many boxes that flow through our household. I’m struck by the beauty and craft in these common materials. The packages have surprising perimeters, that are revealed once taken apart, and unexpected details in their construction.
UNBOXED is the series shown at the Spark Gallery. It was the culmination of the exploration for Janice and it is quite remarkable. Combining the ephemeral so dear to collagists with the salvaged boxes of everyday use provides us with a look into new relationships. And while the work is primarily non-objective, you can see that the future directions will be as exciting as this new concept. You can see additional work by this artist at her website
Here’s the piece I completed with much thanks to Janice for the inspiration.

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