Special Webpage for Art Sales to Clients

I was recently asked by one of my regular clients if there was a listing of less expensive works of art that I have created. He was very apologetic about how the economy had hit him but with a special occasion coming, he wanted to invest in more of my art.

I took his dilemma to heart. And also realized he had spawned a thought as to how to provide a ‘special’ sales event for a client while creating a market for my experiments, sketches and smaller works.

First I created a webpage with the address of donaldkolberg.com/myclients name. Then I took photos of a variety of pieces uploaded them with sizes and prices. Finally I sent an email to the client. In the email I stressed that this page had been created especially for him, note the address, and that it would only be accessable for one week.  This resulted in establishing a bond between my client and myself that actually resulted in two pieces of art being sold for a larger amount then I had at first expected. I also received a thank you for understanding his position and for provided such a wonderful direct online experience.

Since this episode I have explored some of what my clients have bought in the past and created webpages to include in emails directly to them offering the same terms. This is one process that now has become a regular part of my art marketing course and has given a jump start to a sagging art sales season.

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