6 Reasons Why Every Artist Should Have an Online Art Portfolio

6 Reasons Why Every Artist Should Have an

Online Art Portfolio
By Gareth Roberts

1 Showcase your work
With all that time and effort taken to produce a piece of art that you are proud of it would be a shame not to share it with everyone. By creating an online art portfolio you can create a visible and organised record of years of work. An online art portfolio could be used to show family and friends your work but the real advantage is it opens up the potential to share your work amongst the rest of the world.

2 Sell your art
Whilst selling your art may not be your primary motivation, the resulting confidence gained from knowing other people appreciate your work so much that they are willing to buy it is immeasurable. It can spur you into producing similar artwork creating a popular series.

Not only does every piece of art you sell offer a financial reward but it can be seen as an additional marketing tool, your work is hanging somewhere for more people to see, enhancing your reputation and show casing your work to those whom you might never meet

3 Build Reputation / increase your visibility
The internet is the biggest art gallery in the world, with millions of potential art buyers and art lovers online you need to make sure they can find your work. An online art portfolio gives you the perfect opportunity to do this and with numerous social media outlets you have the ability to show case your work to thousands of people not available via traditional methods.

4 Sell yourself
No one knows you best but yourself and for art buyers often the story behind the artist is as equally important as the piece of art itself so tell people what your up to, what current themes your exploring and let your character shine.

Engaging with visitors on a personal and/or emotional level will increase your chances of keeping visitors returning to your online art portfolio, art is after all a very personal and emotive subject, if you can trigger this in a visitor you certain to make a sale.

5 Feedback
You should encourage as much feedback as possible, after all we learn best from our mistakes and if one of your goals is to sell your art what the ‘people’ think is definitely important. Feedback might encourage you too look in a new direction, to explore a different avenue and ultimately make your work more desirable.

6 Professionalism
As any serious business has realised a presence on the internet is incredibly important. The same applies to artists, when its so easy to create an online art portfolio if a potential art buyer or gallery can not find you online this may create a negative impression of yourself and your work.

ispyart.com a free online art portfolio website for artists

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gareth_Roberts

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Donald Kolberg graduated with a Fine Arts Degree from California State University, Los Angeles. He taught at the Los Angeles School of Art and co-founded Art Core, an organization dedicated to the open dialogue and display of the work of emerging artists. He continued his Master studies at Otis Art Institute. While at Otis Art Institute his teacher and main influence was internationally recognized painter Arnold Mesches. In Artcore he worked under the guidance of Lydia Takashita. With their teaching Donald learned the value of depth, texture and form in images and surface. He incorporated this into his concept of Life Forms, the portrayal of the human figure as a landscape of life and a celebration of form through Sculpture and Painting.

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