Show Your Work

This past year I have been lucky and unlucky enough to have sold a number of pieces. The Lucky part is HEY I’m an artist and it feels good to sell artwork. The unlucky part is that I sold them as I was getting ready for two shows. I felt they were going to be the centerpieces of the show. That’s when it struck me. I’m not setting up a museum so that the art can be viewed. I’m trying to sell my work.
Somewhere along that long line of chasing the show and dealing with a very slow economy I lost site of what I was doing.  Sure I want people to see what I’m doing and appreciate my visual voice but I also want them to have the work in their homes. So I guess what I’m saying is take a breath, show your work and enjoy the results.

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Donald Kolberg graduated with a Fine Arts Degree from California State University, Los Angeles. He taught at the Los Angeles School of Art and co-founded Art Core, an organization dedicated to the open dialogue and display of the work of emerging artists. He continued his Master studies at Otis Art Institute. While at Otis Art Institute his teacher and main influence was internationally recognized painter Arnold Mesches. In Artcore he worked under the guidance of Lydia Takashita. With their teaching Donald learned the value of depth, texture and form in images and surface. He incorporated this into his concept of Life Forms, the portrayal of the human figure as a landscape of life and a celebration of form through Sculpture and Painting.

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