Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Creating art, looking at art, watching shows about art and artists fills a good portion of my day. Hopefully you have something that fills your day with joy. Here are some great links for artists and art lovers. I hope you enjoy them.

nycartmap02-768x665Hyperallergic, an incredible art blog, says…”New York City has over 1,000 monuments across the five boroughs, and the new NYC Public Art Map and Guide plots them on an interactive map. The digital interface, recently launched by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, is searchable by zip code and address, and includes both permanent and temporary installations.” So here’s a link to the site:




BasquiatWhile we’re still in the the television dull drums I thought I’d provide a link to and their listing of some great art movies (even though they didn’t mention Mr. Turner) Here’s the link





The Telegraph ( ran a story on an unbelievable flea market find and what the couple did!! Here’s the link


long-lost 500-year-old engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Durer has been found on sale for a few euros in a French flea market.





And this interesting art tool is just to much fun not to mention. www.drawlucy  Its a new Camera Lucida. ( I have no financial interest)DRaw Lucy

So there you have it. If there’s something you want to know about you can reach me at Until then:

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are verbs

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

This month I thought I would use the title of my blog as a index for some very interesting sites.

First off there’s Art so let’s take a look at some

Stolen Bacons


Spanish police have made seven arrests in relation to the theft of five Francis Bacon paintings from a private home in Madrid earlier this year with an estimate combined worth of €25 million (approximately $28 million).


The mystery of Caravaggio’s death solved at last – painting killed him


One of my favorite art videographers, James Kalm

Jasper Johns, Luiz Zerbini and Thornton Dial

With the belated approach of summer, James Kalm, finds himself in Chelsea and with trusty camera in hand, records exhibitions that he hopes this world-wide viewer-ship will appreciate. The tour begins at the Matthew Marks Gallery with a walk through of Jasper Johns Monotypes. This iconic American artist has been innovating and reevaluation the practice of print making and graphics since the mid 1950s. This show presents over thirty years of work from the “Crosshatching” series of the early 1970s to his latest plates depicting a grieving soldier. West on 22nd Street, we pop into Sikkema Jenkins & Co. and view “Perhappiness” by Brazilian painter Luiz Zerbini. This exhibition shows a breadth of vision, scale and technique all within a knowing employment for current free form abstraction. Lastly, Thornton Dial’s “We All Live Under the Same Old Flag” at Marianne Boesky Gallery is a look back at the work of one of America’s most beloved “Outsider” artists.

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There’s only one thing to say

Imagination is never Still. The marks we make are Verbs!


Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

If you’re still looking for ways to procrastinate about filing your taxes, I’m supplying some fodder for your foolery. And of course a wonderful poster about…Coffee. So here you go.


First, I can’t help but give a nod to my mentor and friend artist Harold Garde who in his mid 90’s is still creating insightful significant art. This is a wonderful video.


Next is an incredible retelling of Plato’s allegory of the cave

And finally a little piece of software you may find useful when you don’t want to give out your email on the multitude of web forms floating around

That’s it for now and while you may be tired of hearing this, no one I know seems to complain.

Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs


Discovery of Lee Bontecou

I can across a Dec. 9, 2010 blogpost by Nancy Natale, The Discovery of Lee Bontecou. This Art in the Studio post included a great short video on the artist’s work, a  5-minute YouTube video by Veronica Roberts, curator of “All Freedom In Every Sense,” the small MoMA show of Bontecou’s work this past summer. This video completely captured me so I had to repost it here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did


Where Art Begins, A Visual Language

I believe that everyone wants to express some inner mood or feeling through a visual language that others can understand. Rembrandt, aside from all his other incredible work, expressed his inner exploration through self portraits. Dozens of these works span his lifetime, giving expression to a visual language that speaks about each separate period in his life. Other artists froze moments in humanity creating not just a picture of a time but a feeling. Still others stripped the image bare and gave us pure emotion, movement, texture or color and let us decide what we are seeing. Sculptors have presented us with ideals of the human form. Others have created assemblages that move us to examine our own beliefs. Others create environments where we can let our own ideas run amuck. So I guess where I’m going with this very scaled down anthology of the history of art is that ART BEGINS EVERYWHERE.

And visual thinking is at the core of it all. I know some people will jump up and ask about all those other senses. But think about it. In fact let’s take the time to explore a simple idea that will become one of the most complicated examples I can present.

In your mind picture a house.  Did you picture a suburban ranch with three bedrooms, an apartment in a crowded city, a hut in an open landscape or the mansion of your dreams. Was the feeling happy, sad, disgust, envy or maybe even a sense of longing?  Take the time and listen to the sounds around your imagined house. Be aware of what’s going on around the house. Can you smell cooking or a new mowed lawn or the accumulation of garbage along the side of the house? When we perceive an object, in this case a house, we are conscious of it through all our senses but we know it through a variety of cues and associations related to our visual language. The more developed the language the deeper the meaning of the object. If we picture garbage we can smell it, if we see an empty room we sense its lack of life.

It is in our ability to go beyond our growth in this visual awareness past the limits of our sensory impressions and definitions that will allow us to know where art begins.

I will continue this exploration in future installments

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