Sculpture using antique chairs

I have recently begun a sculpture series
based on chairs. The chairs I am reconstructing are from the 1800’s. What I
have created is an out of place-ness for a common utilitarian object. By
stripping it of context and removing it from its innate function I am focusing
the viewer on the chairs’ exaggerated personality. At the same time I am creating
a potential for the viewer to explore their own memories.


If a chair is designed to allow a person to
sit then it seems logical that it becomes a kind of bookmark for a person
once they leave it empty or for a person that will return or even for the expected new person to come and sit on the chair.
So I guess it has created a simultaneous presence and absence. There is no
telling who will sit or has sat in the chair.

But by reconstructing the chair as a
sculpture I am crystallizing its past so that it can be contemplated as a
footnote to history, a narrative of a time lost or even a metaphor for emotions
that are spatially and/or temporally out of place.

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Donald Kolberg graduated with a Fine Arts Degree from California State University, Los Angeles. He taught at the Los Angeles School of Art and co-founded Art Core, an organization dedicated to the open dialogue and display of the work of emerging artists. He continued his Master studies at Otis Art Institute. While at Otis Art Institute his teacher and main influence was internationally recognized painter Arnold Mesches. In Artcore he worked under the guidance of Lydia Takashita. With their teaching Donald learned the value of depth, texture and form in images and surface. He incorporated this into his concept of Life Forms, the portrayal of the human figure as a landscape of life and a celebration of form through Sculpture and Painting.

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