Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Hey it’s April. Why are you still just thinking about the stuff you want to get done? The first 25% of the year is done. And it flew by. So take a breath, look around and do something new! Here are some links to charge your batteries. They’ll go well with coffee or tea

First up is a list from Art Web about abstract artist. These 6 artist are considered people who are bringing new life into abstract art. Tell me what you think.

Looking for some greedy, sex-obsessed, power-mad despots. The Public Domain has the answer so look no further, Lucian of Samosata took the popular images of the Greek gods and re-drew them. Thank you is offering up a list of 50, yeah 50 exhibitions you should see this spring. Even if you only see a hand full it would be great!

Well that’s about it for now so remember

Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs

Art, Coffee, tea and Blogs

Here’s another wonderful poster from the past. Of course it has to do with coffee. But you’ll find the links below are a bit more modern in their bent. So here we go, Enjoy!

Hauser Wirth & Schimmel in Los Angeles’ downtown art district is presenting an incredible view through the eyes of curator Jenni Sorkin. A wonderful look at 34 women sculptors that truly shaped abstract sculpture.

And if you are curious what’s selling in the art world, here’s a round up of what sold at the recent Armory show.

On the heals of what sold and while you’re scratching your head and wondering how these works could possible get this kind of money, nevermind the fact that this is what is considered art… I digress, here’s a take on art from the man who invented the term Generation X, Douglas Copeland.

Well that’s about it for now so remember

Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs

Coffee, Tea, Art and Blogs

As you might notice, I found a treasure trove of wonderful posters and handbills that I will be posting on this blog

For this post I’m offering up some wonderful links to famous art, great sketch books for artists (I get no money if you buy one) and some wonderful things you should know about…wait for it…COFFEE

Here’s a link to all 36 of Jan Vermeers incredible paintings including the Dutch Mona Lisa

Because I love Coffee here’s a bunch of things (around 15) that you definitely should know about Coffee

Creative market put out this interesting list of sketch books and pads that I thought I’d send along to you.

Oh and I DO NOT receive any money if you buy one


So that’s it for now. Carry a sketchbook and a pencil because you never know when you might want to make your mark. And of course remember

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are Verbs!

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Suddenly February is nearly gone and for most of us our New Year resolutions are a thing of the past. So maybe its time to take a few minutes and revisit them. I did. With shows, writing and working in the studio I was fully charged with ideas and energy.  And then I came across a post that stopped me. It’s the publication of Diebenkorn’s sketch books. It made me want to look at mine. So I started pulling them out and exploring ideas and images I had jotted down over the years. Amazing how this can build that spark of imagination and inspiration we sometimes need. It also made me realize that I had not been carrying a sketch book with me anymore. This was an important resolution I had made. The blog about how Diebenkorn would put down a book and return to it months or years later was inspiring. So I grabbed one sitting on a shelf, found a few empty pages and did a few sketches. Click here to see the post and sketchbooks

Bob Davies post in Art Tudor explores framing art.

So many styles and sizes of frame. So many colours to choose. Is it a watercolour or pastel ? Should it have a mount or mat colour? Should it be a single mount or a double one? Matching, plain or contrasting colours? Non-reflective or plain picture glass or acrylic sheet? etc. etc. –

There was a great article on Contemporary art on the Art Critical blog by Noah Dillon

The Zombies: Contemporary Abstraction and Its Critics– Definitely worth reading with a discussion from such artists as Joanne Greenbaum, Philip Taaffe, and Stanley Whitney along with Bob Nickas as Moderator.

Click here for the link

That’s it for now so remember;

Imagination is Never Still. The Marks we make are Verbs

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Thought you might like to see some of my expresso pot collection. They don’t just sit on a shelf. I do use them. Well anyway its on to this session’s list of blogs. enjoy.

This is a great view of color wheels and how they have changed along with background concepts.

This site offers some great freebies. ( I get nothing if you go there)

I know you probably already go to youtube but and are sick of art history but this site is pretty good.

Understanding Contemporary Art MOOC
by John David Evert from Open Online Academy


That’s it for now. I’ll be back after the New Year with lots more so remember

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are Verbs!

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