MM&S E Zine Spring 2017

More than a year ago when I was looking at calls for print artists I was struck by the constant call for works in editions. But my work in monotypes and monoprints had no repetition. It was then that I thought an e zine dedicated to this mark making would give artists a venue for exhibiting their work. I decided that there would be no burden of cost to enter their work and no requirement to buy anything. What I would do is show their work on line at my website and partner with a print on demand service so if an artist wanted a hard copy they could get an issue.

Suddenly I find myself beginning the second year of publishing MM&S (Monoprint, Monotype and Strappo), an E Zine with the growing support of an international group of artists.  Since the 1640s when Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione spread ink on unincised metal plates through the work of Rembrandt, Degas, Picasso, Sam Francis, Motherwell, Diebenkorn and countless others, this unique art continues.

In the coming year we hope to expand the e zine to include not only interviews but also articles about artist and the different processes used by artists to create these wonderful works. There is no plan to charge artist for inclusion. And while we rely on financial contributions from our readers, hopefully we will attract advertisers that are associated with the art of monoprints and monotypes.

Mono Spring 2017

By Donald Kolberg in MM&S

38 pages, published 3/15/2017 understands the importance of providing a venue for this unique form of art. Our matrix is as open as the imaginations of the artists it supports. To that end we will explore the work of emerging, established and surprising artists from around the world. They will be presented here and in on our website

We’ve partnered with a print on demand service for the on line E Zine MM&S. So now you can purchase the E Zine or download a free digital copy. I know people think its crazy to allow a free download but how else are you going to find out about how great our artists are in this issue.
Just remember the Spring 2017 Anniversary issue is available for purchase, its how we support the website and E Zine.

Endangered Species and the ARTCORE Newsletter

The June/July issue of ARTCORE is now available FREE AS ALWAYS at ARTCORE
This issues Featured Interview is with Rick Cannizzaro
“I have been creating art ever since I can remember, back to when I was a little child. That joy, the memory of a child creating a picture still inspires me today.”
Read the entire interview here

Articles included
Speaking the “Lingo” of Oil Painting Artists
Being able to speak the language of the arts can be helpful if you are ever want to commission a painting and need to converse with the artist. The artist will also find the following definitions beneficial in expanding their fine art vocabulary.

The Pastel Painting Process
Pastels are one of the purest and richest forms of art mediums. They have more pigment and less binder than any other medium. As any pastelist will tell you, it is almost like painting with pure, unadulterated color.

Paul Gauguin – An Art Movement Founder
Post-Impressionist artist Eugene Henri Paul Gauguin was known for his color experimentations.
Read More

And as always look for free Art Books, downloads, art contests, answers to your questions,
and a whole lot more.

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Art Core Newsletter Aug/Sept Online Now

The Art Core Aug/Sept newsletter edition is now online  And it’s still FREE

The feature Interview is with Louise P Sloane whose work focuses on geometric forms, grids, repetitive motifs and lushly layered color with a fascination with mark making as a fundamental principal

A article by  Jeremy Fitz  on Robert Raushenberg an American Collage Artist

‘What is Art’ by Liam Huston of   The answer may surprise you!

‘Woven Art as an Art Form’ by Judith Schwartz  Although associated primarily with fabric and two-dimensional swaths of cloth, weaving as a medium provides a large range of possibilities for sculpture.

“An Incredible American Collage Artist Named Robert Raushenberg ” by Jeremy Fitz

And a Quick Look at the amazing work of  Astrid Fitzgerald 




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Call to Artists and Gallery Owners for articles and interviews

I have a growing international online art  newsletter, and an art blog, I am placing this call out to artists and gallery owners in an effort to supply something more than another site to display their work. Your individual project will be published under the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License   so you will be able to use it on your own site free of charge. All I ask is that you forward the newsletter link of your published piece to your friends and fans.

This can be an information article about your work or an interview you have done or one created from the questions below. In either case I will display some of your works and include links to your website and other social media. If you are interested please send the response to

Please remember to include 4-8 jpegs of your work and your contact and social media sites.

When did you first start to realize you were on the path to becoming an artist?
What is the primary medium you work with and why?
Tell us about your style of art and how you have developed this visual voice.
What subject matter inspires you to create art and how do you keep motivated when things get tough in the studio?
What projects or pieces are you working on now?
What artists (famous or not) or art movements have influenced you and why?
How have you handled the business side of being an artist?
Tell us about another artist’s site you think our audience might like to see.
Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself?
And we have to ask, what advice would you give other artists about being an artist?

If you have any questions feel free to contact me

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Artist Interview With Donald Kolberg

Artist Interview With Donald Kolberg

Abstract Art ArtistsAbstract Art ArtistsToday’s Artist Interview Is With Donald Kolberg From Hahira GA.

Whopple:  How long have you been an artist?
I don’t know how to answer that. The knee jerk reaction, like so many others, is to say I’ve been an artist forever.
But the truth is there have been periods of time when I wasn’t an artist. Basically life got in the way.

Whopple:  Tell us about your first attempts to be creative.
I remember a time in grade school when we had to write a story.
I used the letters of the alphabet as characters and did it on a roll of brown paper with illustrations running down the border.

I wish I had that now, it would be fun to see.

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