“Pattern Women” my new book

In the wake of being selected by Barebrush.com to have one of my artworks from the “Pattern Woman” series in their June 2016 calendar, I’ve created a new book featuring a more extensive view of additional works. The calendar is on view at Barebrush.com and the individual work occupies the June 9th slot. The book is available at Peecho.com. 

Book Art – Saving the Pages

Some people are appalled when I tell them I create art from books. I would be too if I wasn’t sure that without this transformation they would have stayed in the garbage. The inside pages were marred with goo and water. The covers were for the most part faded and crumbling. So before you jump up and down and say but its a book, send me your address and I’ll send you the messed up ones I haven’t saved yet.
In the meantime here are a couple of works I’ve completed with the saved books. They are reasonably priced so feel free to let me know which one you want…or get all three!
Priced right now at $200.00 each

You can reach me at don@donaldkolberg.com

‘The Nude’ 8 3/4 x 7 inches

‘The Nude’ 8 3/4 x 7 inches

‘Golden Landscape’ 8 3/4 by 6 3/4 inches

Goldlandscape 2
‘Golden Landscape’ 8 3/4 by 6 3/4 inches

‘Golden Landscape small’ 4 5/8 by 7 inches

‘Golden Landscape small’ 4 5/8 by 7 inches

Nancy Bell Scott Collages

I have always wanted my blog to be a place where I could show my work and work that has inspired me and also work that I have just found wonderful. And not just master’s work, but the work of us, the everyday artists doing what we do because we love it and some times are frustrated by it. Artists that are doing things that confuse them or stay up all night doing something because they suddenly ‘get it’ and can’t stop. Or art that I find out about when I talk to other artists, work that I never knew existed. Links to things that spark those things in a artist mind that an artist really understands.
Anyway enough.
The following Pieces are from the blog of Nancy Bell Scott who besides being a collage artist is a mail artist and a member, like myself, of the International Union of Mail Artists.

sent to Ruud Janssen, the Netherlands

sent to Neil Gordon, USA

sent to Erni Bar, Germany


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Art Core Newsletter Aug/Sept Online Now

The Art Core Aug/Sept newsletter edition is now online  And it’s still FREE

The feature Interview is with Louise P Sloane whose work focuses on geometric forms, grids, repetitive motifs and lushly layered color with a fascination with mark making as a fundamental principal

A article by  Jeremy Fitz  on Robert Raushenberg an American Collage Artist

‘What is Art’ by Liam Huston of www.theopening.us   The answer may surprise you!

‘Woven Art as an Art Form’ by Judith Schwartz  Although associated primarily with fabric and two-dimensional swaths of cloth, weaving as a medium provides a large range of possibilities for sculpture.

“An Incredible American Collage Artist Named Robert Raushenberg ” by Jeremy Fitz

And a Quick Look at the amazing work of  Astrid Fitzgerald 




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