Kolberg Studio News

Collage, Creating Inspiration from a New Form

The Unboxed collage forms from Janice McDonald

“Unboxed 003,” 17 x 9″ collage on granola bar box.

It’s remarkable where inspiration comes from for artists. I’m not talking about the kind that suddenly gives you that direction in art that you know will be the door opener to New York,  or where ever. No, this is about the bump you get from looking at someone’s art. It’s about feeling like that would be something you’d like to try and maybe add to the reference points you keep in your head when creating your art.
The collage art of Janice McDonald’s hit me that way.

As a collage artist she was completely aware of edges and how they fit into her work. But then she started looking at the support of the work and its edges. She felt she could push the boundaries of collages past the hard edges and onto a support that was more random. As Janice puts it in her blog

It all started with boxes…
An avid recycler, I find myself carefully deconstructing and flattening the many boxes that flow through our household. I’m struck by the beauty and craft in these common materials. The packages have surprising perimeters, that are revealed once taken apart, and unexpected details in their construction.

UNBOXED is the series shown at the Spark Gallery.  It was the culmination of the exploration for Janice and it is quite remarkable. Combining the ephemeral so dear to collagists with the salvaged boxes of everyday use provides us with a look into new relationships. And while the work is primarily non-objective, you can see that the future directions will be as exciting as this new concept. You can see additional work by this artist at her website http://www.janicemcdonald.com/.

Here’s the piece I completed with much thanks to Janice for the inspiration.


Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs.

So after a short summer hiatus I’m back on track with my blog giving you links to stuff around the web that you might not have seen or cared about that is, until now. I was in Chattanooga (stayed at the Cho Cho Hotel, the old train station.) spent time talking to artists and all sorts of folk. There are two things I want to mention to you about things you should definitely put on your agenda if you’re in that area


Trail of Tears, The Passage
Weeping Wall

First up is The Passage. This is a pedestrian link between downtown Chattanooga and the Tennessee River and marks the beginning of the Trail of Tears. If you don’t know, the Trail of Tears refers to the forced removal of the Cherokee tribes from Chattanooga to Oklahoma which took the lives of 4000 Cherokees before the reached their destination.
The visitors guide says about the Passage”…The Passage is a permanent outdoor exhibit, with symbolism of the seven clans of the Cherokee Nation. There is a ‘weeping wall’ representing the tears shed as the Cherokee were driven from their homes and removed on the Trail of Tears. Seven, six-foot ceramic disks tell the story of the Cherokee Nation from hundreds of years of Native American habitation in the southeast. Seven, 14-foot tall stainless steel sculptures of stickball players will grace the wall facing the river, educating visitors about the game and its importance to Cherokee culture.”

city-cafe-dinerBeing originally from the north, we are always on the search for a good Diner. And Chattanooga did not disappoint. This little out of the way place The City Cafe, was on the route of the free electric trolley that ran across downtown. Forgive me for sounding like a food critic but the menu was extensive and was served on vintage, Fiesta ware. The portions, well we ordered one dinner and split it, and the dessert, remember those giant cakes you used to see, I mean the really big ones, well they had them, probably about 40 of them.

I know you’re probably saying “Hey where are those great links you always have?” Okay so here are a few;

Here is a listing of exhibitions from MOMA covering from 1929 to the present


And while we’re on the subject of museums Thepoke.co.uk  a totally irreverent website, has put together an off beat group of photos showing you how to enjoy your next museum trip. But don’t let the kids see it


That’s it for now  but remember, as always

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are verbs.





MM&S E-Zine Fall 2016

We’ve partnered with a print on demand service for the on line E Zine MM&S. So now you can purchase the E Zine or download a free digital copy. I know people think its crazy to allow a free download but how else are you going to find out about how great our artists are in this issue.
Just remember the Fall 2016 issue is available for purchase, its how we support the website and E Zine.


Fall MM&S 2016

By Donald Kolberg in MM&S

52 pages, published 9/10/2016

Monoprint-Monotype.com understands the importance of providing a venue for this unique form of art. Our matrix is as open as the imaginations of the artists it supports. To that end we will explore the work of emerging, established and surprising artists from around the world. They will be presented here and in on our website Monoprint-Monotype.com. MM&S Magazine is a submission-based, quarterly digital and on-demand print publication.

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Creating art, looking at art, watching shows about art and artists fills a good portion of my day. Hopefully you have something that fills your day with joy. Here are some great links for artists and art lovers. I hope you enjoy them.

nycartmap02-768x665Hyperallergic, an incredible art blog, says…”New York City has over 1,000 monuments across the five boroughs, and the new NYC Public Art Map and Guide plots them on an interactive map. The digital interface, recently launched by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, is searchable by zip code and address, and includes both permanent and temporary installations.” So here’s a link to the site: http://bit.ly/2aLQ8Za




BasquiatWhile we’re still in the the television dull drums I thought I’d provide a link to Widewalls.ch and their listing of some great art movies (even though they didn’t mention Mr. Turner) Here’s the link http://www.widewalls.ch/art-history-movies/Pollock





The Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/) ran a story on an unbelievable flea market find and what the couple did!! Here’s the link http://bit.ly/2aOcCao


long-lost 500-year-old engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Durer has been found on sale for a few euros in a French flea market.





And this interesting art tool is just to much fun not to mention. www.drawlucy  Its a new Camera Lucida. ( I have no financial interest)DRaw Lucy

So there you have it. If there’s something you want to know about you can reach me at dkolberg@thewoventalepress.net. Until then:

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are verbs

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

August is a hot month. DUH, anyway I tend to get distracted easily when the heat goes up and often find myself redesigning my studio. And cleaning it up. It gives me a chance to look at some of the stuff I’m working on along side finished work. It also has become a time when I wander the internet even more than usual. So if you’re a regular reader you should enjoy the next group of stuff.

This is a list of gadgets that I think I’ll put on my holiday gift list. Feel free to choose one for me.Wallet-Ninja3-1024x682




Ever wonder how to make the PERFECT cup of coffee. These guys think they’ve got it mastered.

http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/AqbSy2/:QC0S+y2R:G9xdeILf/www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/howtocook/primers/coffeebasics Jacqmotte-Slow-Drip-Coffee-Maker_2

I have no financial connection to Golden. They are one of the many acrylics I use. What I have found interesting enough to blog about is their on line color mixing chart. Sometimes you just need a little nudge  for a color when you’re in the middle of working and this does it.

http://www.goldenpaints.com/mixercolor wheel

That will do it for me and remember you can reach me at dkolberg@thewoventalepress.net

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are VERBS

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