After coming across this first link from the Google Cultural Institute, I thought I’d take a look at some interesting art this time.
The ultra definition in these works is incredible. Working with museums around the world, Google has used its Art Camera system to capture the finest details of artworks from their collection.
Next up is a unique way to work with color. And if you have the money, yeah I know I’m talking to artists, go here. If not enjoy the link
– James Turrell Allowing Limited Visitors to Roden Crater for $6,500 a Person
This past month I was sidelined from working for awhile so I had the time to explore and download a new library of art catalogs. Create your own library from this extensive list.
Download 576 Free Art Books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This article is a bit older but the voices in it are more than worth listening to. so enjoy what women artists have to say across a number of generations.
okay so I hope you have a pleasant rest of the month and of course remember
Imagination Is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs
If you’re still looking for ways to procrastinate about filing your taxes, I’m supplying some fodder for your foolery. And of course a wonderful poster about…Coffee. So here you go.
First, I can’t help but give a nod to my mentor and friend artist Harold Garde who in his mid 90’s is still creating insightful significant art. This is a wonderful video.
Next is an incredible retelling of Plato’s allegory of the cave
And finally a little piece of software you may find useful when you don’t want to give out your email on the multitude of web forms floating around
That’s it for now and while you may be tired of hearing this, no one I know seems to complain.
Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs
Critics and Reviewers shape taste by telling us what they believe should be allowed to pass through their gates to the public as worthy art. But there is NO way that they can cover all the art that is being produced. Nor be correct in what they say all the time. Luckily there are blogs like studio critical with interview postings by Valerie Brennan that go a long way toward providing connections to artists we should know. And yes quite a few others, but not nearly enough. The reason I say this is because in your town there is very little written about the arts. By your town I mean any town that is not a major city. So go ahead and start writing. The more you write the better you get at it and the more involved in the arts you become. Very quickly people will seek you out when the local art association has a new show or when some local celebration is held. You will be the one that influencing culture in new and important ways. So get out there and write! And if you really aren’t sure about how to start here are a few tips; Walk through the exhibit to get a feel for how its arranged Does something stand out, select 3 or 4 pieces that you are drawn to that you like, it’s easier to write about something you like at first then not. Take pictures (ask permission) then SIT DOWN and write notes. You won’t remember what you were thinking when you get home. Besides it looks cool sitting there writing. If the artist or Curator is there, talk to them about what the show represents, where the title came from, what inspired the art. One important thing is to make sure you have everything spelled correctly. Take the time to get the titles, sizes, mediums and artist names right!
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